Thursday, 31 December 2015

Today Reminder – 31 December 2015

A reminder for today
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters. Then God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. (Genesis 1:1-3)

In May of this year I wrote to you that every beginning has an end and every end has a beginning. This was in context to the events in my life at that time. As the year finally reached its end as we stand at the threshold of 2016, those words retuned to my mind. The year has come to an end and with that many things ends and many bad and good memories remains with it. But as 2015 takes its final breath we stare into a 365 day abyss that awaits us. So with that in mind I thought of the creation. God looked at the earth that He created and it was formless, dark and empty. Then God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.

God is looking at your year and currently it may seem dark and empty to you, but I want to remind you that when God speaks things change and my Word for you for 2016 is "Let there be light," and there will be light. God wants us to shine in 2016 and bring light to a dark and empty year. God wants us to share our joy and show our God to the world. So come with me as we walk into the abyss and let our faith and trust in God light up the empty hearts of those stuck in the past. Let us break the walls of darkness and free our Spirts to change the world so that there will be light for all.

Lord I pray for all my friends reading this awesome blog of yours so that you will bless them in this new year and fire up their Spirits so that our lights will change this dark world into a place of joy and peace. In Jesus name.

Have and awesome day dear friend of Jesus.


Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Today Reminder – 30 December 2015

A reminder for today
So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the LORD your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you." (Deuteronomy 31:6)

South Africa is caught up in a terrible drought and everywhere you go you see newspaper billboards expressing their concerns at the days ahead. Food prices are going to go up and water is going to be scares. They talk about are current water levels in our damns and today I saw the worst one. A farmer shot himself because of this drought. 

The world around us can be caught up in a drought or it could go through a season of plenty. The fact is just as the world around us has seasons and weather problems, so does our lives. We can also go into a time of drought where we are in the midst of a massive challenge that consumes us and drives us to our very last drop of strength and often destroys us. What do we do when there is no hope? Taking your own life or giving up is not the answer or to lie down in a hopeless bundle hoping it will go away is also not going to help us. God says that we must be strong and courageous and we should not be afraid nor panic in the midst of our problems. The Lord our God goes out ahead and He will never fail us nor abandon us. This is so awesome and probably one of the most powerful promises in the Bible. God made us to be victorious through all our problems. He made us to stand and never give up; otherwise He would have never sent His only Son to die for our sins. If God loves you so much then it is clear that He will carry you through your storms. Don’t give up my friend.

Lord, thank you for reminding us that you will never fail us and that you will never abandon us. Please let us make this Word part of every day and strengthen us through your Holy Spirit so that we will not give up. In Jesus name. 

Have and awesome day dear friend of Jesus.


Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Today Reminder – 29 December 2015

A reminder for today
"Daughter," he said to her, "your faith has made you well. Go in peace." (Luke 8:48)

The woman that had constant bleeding is one of the most beautiful examples of faith in the Bible. She believed that if she could only touch Jesus, she would be healed. This remarkable example of faith has a deep lesson for us and how we should believe. Her faith was boundless and unconditional. She believed with all her heart and all her soul. When she touched Jesus, Jesus felt power flowing out from Him.  But Jesus said, "Someone deliberately touched me, for I felt healing power go out from me." (Verse 46) 

Jesus says that He was deliberately touched. Someone reached out and touched Him deliberately. How many times do you deliberately go down on your knees and reach out to touch Jesus? The awesome thing is that in that instant His healing power with heal us. Jesus turned to her and said that her faith has made her well. He said to her, “Daughter, your faith [your personal trust and confidence in Me] has made you well. Go in peace (untroubled, undisturbed well-being).” (Amplified Bible)

My friend, today I wish to remind you that your Jesus calls you son/daughter and your personal trust and confidence will heal you so that you will go in peace from there onwards and fear no more. Reach out to Him for He wants nothing more than to see you filled with joy. Jesus is the good news that will fill you with unlimited joy.

Lord as we reach out to you today in faith, let us be healed so that we will be filled with your supreme peace.

Have and awesome day dear friend of Jesus.


Monday, 28 December 2015

Today Reminder – 28 December 2015

A reminder for today
That night there were shepherds staying in the fields nearby, guarding their flocks of sheep. Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them, and the radiance of the Lord's glory surrounded them. They were terrified, but the angel reassured them. "Don't be afraid!" he said. "I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people. The Saviour—yes, the Messiah, the Lord—has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David! And you will recognize him by this sign: You will find a baby wrapped snugly in strips of cloth, lying in a manger." Suddenly, the angel was joined by a vast host of others—the armies of heaven—praising God and saying, "Glory to God in highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased." (Luke 2:8-14)

How are you my friend? I hope you had a blessed Christ festival. We had an awesome time with friends and family and I am more in awe of the Lord each day as we celebrate His birth. I loved our Christmas day service and how our Pastor made it clear that when the Lord was born there were shepherds and wise men. The shepherds represented the very least of all of us and the wise men the very best of us. This symbol declares that Jesus came for all from the shepherds to the wise men. Jesus came for all of us and this awesome message is the message that we celebrate.

My dear friend, today I want to remind you that Jesus came for you and all of you. Do not be afraid for your saviour is alive and He gave up His life for you. You will find Him standing by you through all your storms and all of your challenges. Glory to God in highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.

Lord we worship you with all our hearts and we give thanks to you for coming down to earth and giving your life for our sins. Let your name be glorified through all the world and let heavens thunder your presence over this season end let your grace pour down on us in rain and let every knee drop down in this miracle and worship you. In Jesus name.

Have and awesome day dear friend of Jesus.


Friday, 4 December 2015

Today Reminder – 04 December 2015

A reminder for today
It is useless for you to work so hard from early morning until late at night, anxiously working for food to eat; for God gives rest to his loved ones. (Psalm 127:2)

When you read this morning’s reminder I am already on leave. I am taking some time off and me and my family is going to the seaside. We have been looking forward to this for weeks now and it is finally here. God gave us all the gifts and talents do our work the best we can, but God also wants us to take some time off and just take a break. The Lord blessed us with this week in Illovo in Kwa-Zulu Natal and I am so grateful for this wonderful gift. 

I will be back soon and so that we can continue our daily reminders. It is a huge privilege to be able to write to you each day. God has blessed my blog so much this year and I do hope that God’s messages and His Word on my blog has encouraged you as it did me. 

So today I want to remind you that you must take a break, my friend and take some time off. It is important that we rest so that we can refresh our bodies and renew our spirits so that we can face our challenges with faith and hope.

Lord I pray that you will bless us during our rest periods and that you will renew our spirts and give as strength so that we can face our challenges when we return. Make us calm and relaxed during our break periods so that we can utilize this time to its fullest. In Jesus name.

Have and awesome day dear friend of Jesus. See you soon.


Today’s Journal (Giving Up) – 03 December 2024

It has been a while since I wrote to you. I had a terrible and good year. God is good and He has been in every day as I faced some of the wo...