Monday, 2 July 2012

Today Reminder - 02 July 2012 (Foreigners)

My prayer for you for today is that you will know God has no favourites and that He paid a ransom for you far greater than silver and gold, in Jesus name.

1 Peter 1:17-20
And remember that the heavenly Father to whom you pray has no favourites. He will judge or reward you according to what you do. So you must live in reverent fear of Him during your time as "foreigners in the land." For you know that God paid a ransom to save you from the empty life you inherited from your ancestors. And the ransom He paid was not mere gold or silver. It was the precious blood of Christ, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God. God chose Him as your ransom long before the world began, but He has now revealed Him to you in these last days

Foreigners - And remember that the heavenly Father to whom you pray has no favourites. What an awesome statement and such an important thing to remember: God loves equally! I think that it is a difficult concept for us to grasp being emotional beings. We are easily influenced by our personal feelings and we can easily create favourites. God is not like that, He has no favourites and if this is how God loves then I think we should learn from this when we look at the people around us. God loves each one with the same amount of love and that is why He paid such a high price to save us from our empty lives. Peter then goes and adds a very important statement: So you must live in reverent fear of Him during your time as "foreigners in the land." He reminds us of who God is with the knowledge that He has no favourites, He will judge you according to what you did, living on this earth. The power to judge is in God’s hands and this must bring a new and respectful fear back in us. We must not forget who God is and what He has done for us. I love how Peter says that we are foreigners of this land. We are citizens of heaven living as foreigners in this land and this makes us ambassadors of Jesus, so we must be diplomatic in the way that we live, showing the love of God with every chance we get. 

My dear friend, once again, we must right size God. He is the creator of the universe! He spoke and the universe was formed. This is the God that we worship. We have but one life to live for Him and make sure that we live it correct. Do not waste time on the things of this world, but invest your time in the things of God. 

Have an awesome day dear friend of Jesus


Today’s Journal (Giving Up) – 03 December 2024

It has been a while since I wrote to you. I had a terrible and good year. God is good and He has been in every day as I faced some of the wo...