A reminder
for today
“There was a young Hebrew man with us in
the prison who was a slave of the captain of the guard. We told him our dreams,
and he told us what each of our dreams meant. And everything happened just
as he had predicted. I was restored to my position as cup-bearer, and the chief
baker was executed and impaled on a pole." (Genesis 41:12-13)
Talents – using our gifts for God’s glory.
God had placed Joseph at the right place and at the right
time so that his gifts could be used for God’s purpose. Each of us is talented in so many
ways and each of us is placed in this world to glorify God and to fulfil our
purpose with the gifts we have.
As I sit here in the paediatric ward of the hospital
listening to the cries of little ones as they are troubled by sickness and
watching my oldest sleeping after such a long day of tests and blood samples, I
can’t help to wonder for a moment about our purposes.
It is funny how you set out in life with your mind set on
your goals and plans and how you see yourself in the future, then after a few
years you look back realising that your plans and God’s plan were not the same.
God had so much more for you in mind than you could ever imagine.
I am sure Joseph did not dream of being in prison or
being sold as a slave, yet all this had to happen to fulfil God’s plan. Just as
I am sure where I am today I am busy living in the direction that God intended
and in a way I am fulfilling His plan. Just as you are fulfilling His plan
where ever you are…
My dear friend, I pray that God will give you the same strength
He gives me each and every day, in Jesus name.
Have an awesome day, dear friend of Jesus.