A reminder for
Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in
lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every
man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. (Philippians 2:3-4)
What is strife? Strife is the exertion or contention for
superiority; contest of emulation, either by intellectual or physical efforts. Vainglory
is the exclusive vanity excited by one's own performances; empty pride; undue
elation of mind. When Paul writes about strife and vainglory he emphasises the
levels of where we should not go and what we should not ne or become. I struggle
with this a lot. You see in our country there is a lot of unnecessary racism and
discrimination and this in its own tends to unravel my suppressed anger issues
(if you can call it that). So, I often find myself full if strife and vainglory
as per this verse.
It takes a few moments to just focus on what I am doing so
that I can hear the Holy Spirt warning me against my attitude and my ridiculous
behaviour. So, as intentional unintentional as it may seem it is related to
issues that I need to resolve and hand over to God and to trust Him with them. I
need to move forward so that the Holy Spirit can use me the next time to show
God to someone.
Humility is a hard concept for many and to be humble at all
times can be just as hard as to be nice all the time. Ye, Paul makes it clear
that this is the right way. In fact, Paul goes as far as saying that must be of
lowliness in mind and you must esteem other better than yourself. Now this one
is the tough one, because arrogance and self esteem can be a huge hurdle in
your journey. So, many have fallen because the deem themselves better than
So, today I want to challenge you as I am challenging myself
to be less judgemental and to consider other better than yourself. To be humble
and to give as much as you can. Do not allow strife or vainglory into your
lives but instead seek the light and peace and content that comes with Jesus
Have an awesome day dear friend of Jesus.