Thursday, 7 November 2019

Today’s journal (Forgive) – 07 November 2019

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7)

It has been a while since I have written to you, my friend. I do not know if you saw the movie “I can only imagine” portraying the life of Bart Millard the lead singer of the band MercyMe.

Now first off MercyMe is one of my favourite bands and I love their music, but the story behind the song is absolutely amazing and a true reflection of how God can change a person. I have written so many times about forgiveness but when I saw that movie it felt as if I still have no idea. Forgiveness and by that, I mean real forgiveness. The kind that not only sets you free, it completely transforms you. Out of immense and deep pain comes the purest and most astounding forgiveness. Jesus said that you must forgive seventy times seven each day. I know hurt and loss and suffering can build a rock like heart and tough skin. I know years of neglect and abuse can make people unforgiving. I know how unforgiveness can burden us and just keep on hurting. It is not easy and believe me forgiveness is not something you should take lightly. Jesus said that how can we expect the Father to forgive us if we cannot forgive. How do we do that when that pain is so deeply rooted that we ourselves do not see it anymore. We just carry on each day and we just keep doing what we do to protect what is left of the person inside that rock. 

When I get to that point (and it happens a lot) where you just feel the world collapsed on you and you have nothing left. That moment when it hurts everywhere, and you do not even know why. That moment is when I see that cross and my saviour hanging from it. It is in that moment when I look up to that cross and I hear Him say “It is done”. He overcome this world so that we can be free from it. Transformation is never a quick fix and brokenness does not heal over night, but it can heal, and it can transform. We are quick to forget the power of prayer and faith. With faith you can move mountains and with prayer you can sink the enemy. Healing, forgiveness and transformation takes time, but you have to start it. You do not have a spirit of fear, you have one of power. Letting go and forgiving is unbelievably powerful, but it goes hand in hand with prayer. You are not alone, and you must always remember that. Come with me as we forgive, love and heal one soul at a time. Jesus gave His life for you and in the same way He gave His life for each one of us. 

Have an awesome day. 

I love you, my friend in Jesus.


Today’s Journal (Giving Up) – 03 December 2024

It has been a while since I wrote to you. I had a terrible and good year. God is good and He has been in every day as I faced some of the wo...