Thursday, 27 July 2023

Today’s Journal (Perception) – 27 July 2023

When Peter wanted to walk out to Jesus as Jesus was walking on the water, he called out and Jesus told him to get out of the boat and walk over to Him. Every day we stand up to face the day ahead. How we succeed depends mainly on our perception.

It is easy to get up and face the day, but what happens when the walls come trembling down and we find ourselves in a place or position that we were not prepared for. Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water towards Jesus.

For a moment he looked around him and the surrounding ocean with its smashing waves overshadowed his perception. You see when He walked towards Jesus He was focussed on God and on His salvation. The minute his focus was interrupted by his surroundings he lost his focus he started to sink.

He turned and called out to Jesus for help. The Lord intervened and pulled him from the water. This simple example is basically what happens to us on a daily basis.

As long as we focus on God and we spend time in His presence and seek Him in all that we do, we will not sink. The moment we allow the world and the lies of the enemy alter our focus, we lose our footing, and we sink.

Jesus said to Peter in Matthew 14: “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”

Why do we doubt? Why do we allow the lies of the enemy to pollute our minds and push us from our path. It is simply because we change our perspective. If you look at the mountains from below, they will look huge and intimidating. The minute you change your position and look at the mountain from the top of another mountain it looks completely different.

The same applies when you look at your problems from your position, then they will seem impossible, but the minute you look at them with faith from God’s perspective. They will begin to lose power over you and shrink to where they have no more influence on you.

Let us face today with faith. Let’s walk by faith and not by sight.

My prayer for you is that God will renew your faith and help you to see your battles from His vantage point.

Have  a great day.

Today’s Journal (Giving Up) – 03 December 2024

It has been a while since I wrote to you. I had a terrible and good year. God is good and He has been in every day as I faced some of the wo...