Monday, 10 July 2023

Today’s Journal (New beginnings) – 07 July 2023

This blog has always been dedicated to uplift and share and give a bit of advice. At times it has been hard to write because life can be so busy. I decided to change my direction and make it a bit more personal. I guess it has been extremely personal since most of it shares the struggles that life so diligently throws at us.

Today has been an uphill battle with a number of challenges at work but mostly I am trying to build an online business as an additional income, and it seems to be much more difficult and very time consuming. I have always been a go getter and giving up is a phrase that does not exist in my mind. So, yes the battle is tough and my experience is zero to none in this area. Plus, I want it to be working yesterday. Yes, I know patience is a virtue, but life does not wait, and my challenges seem to multiply.

I am sure you can relate and that you might face even more challenges on your side. I read this verse a few days ago and it keeps popping back in my head:

Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. (Matthew 7)

This is a verse that we can get wrong fairly easily. Put yourself in the shoes of a parent. A child obviously wants things from time to time, yet the parents know what is needed, what is good and what is not so good. Jesus mentions that even sinful people know how to give good gifts to their children.

The challenge is to ask within the will of God, and we sometimes desire what is against His will and this can cause indifference and anger on our side. Jesus goes on and later mentions that when you pray you should ask in His name. Jesus wants us to mimic His life and see that what He did always remained in the will of God.

Surely God will always want the best for you, but the best can be different to our desires. I believe that we can do anything and ask God to bless us in everything we do. Just as I pray for His blessings over my work and my business and my family I always ask if it is His will. I know God will bless hard work, but we should always be thankful for the ability to be able to work and to have opportunities.

My battle remains a reality, but my faith surpasses my struggles. I am not perfect in any way, and I am sure I have a ton more flaws than you, but my faith remains firm even when the road ahead is impossible to see.

Yes, I get upset and yes there is times when I just want to quit and give up. For what, to let the enemy have his way and accept his lies. No, I will fall, and I will fall again, but I need to keep standing up and keep moving forward. I just need to keep my eyes on God and trust His time and His will.

Let see what tomorrow brings.

Today’s Journal (Giving Up) – 03 December 2024

It has been a while since I wrote to you. I had a terrible and good year. God is good and He has been in every day as I faced some of the wo...