Monday, 24 July 2023

Today’s Journal (Don’t quit) – 24 July 2023

I think the words “I cannot do this anymore” must probably pop up in my head over a hundred times a day. This morning on my way to work I thought if I could just have one more miracle or just hope that my circumstances will change and that I will rise up out of this pit I find myself in.

Paul writes in Colossians 1 that God delivered us from the powers of darkness and “translated” us into the kingdom of His son Jesus Christ. I love the word “translated” in this verse. Now the only reason I find myself in despair is because the forces of darkness is moving in for the kill. You see they start with words from someone close to you like “You are a disappointment” or “You are a failure” and then they use this to populate your mind with more junk that will push you to the end.

It is in these low moments that God reminds us that He “translated” us into His kingdom. Translated referrers to transferred. God through Jesus transferred you from the place of darkness to a place of light. The reason we get caught in this pit is purely because we forget that the enemy does not control our lives, nor do they own our lives and they definitely do not define who we are.

Jesus is the only way and He said that we will face troubled times and we will surely go through hardships and challenges. We just need to stop listening to the enemy and remove those negative words from your mind.

We need to realign ourselves with Jesus and His words. Jesus said that God will hear our prayers and, in the Bible, the phares “Fear not” is written 365 times. That is once for every day of the year. So, stop fearing and start believing. We live by faith and not by sight, so let is live with that faith and trust God.

My prayer for you is that God will hear your prayer today and that He will change your circumstances and lift you out of the mud and mire where you are stuck now. I pray that God will bless everything you do and that you will break free through His amazing grace and stand up again.

Have a great day.

Today’s Journal (Giving Up) – 03 December 2024

It has been a while since I wrote to you. I had a terrible and good year. God is good and He has been in every day as I faced some of the wo...