Monday, 19 October 2015

Today Reminder – 19 October 2015

A reminder for today
Turn my eyes from worthless things, and give me life through your word. (Psalm 119:37)

I was all by myself most of yesterday and it turned out to be terrible. I think one should never be alone or feel alone. When the world turns against you and you start to lose hope you get that alone feeling. You feel that there is no one that knows your pain and see your heartache. You feel alone. This is one of the most terrible feelings and one the enemy loves to use. So as I walked all by myself through a busy mall watching the families walking and laughing together I felt alone. I walked past a lady that was walking and stopping to take selfies all through the mall. I was stunned at her vanity and self-love. 

This made me realise that we can so easily be like that. We care only about our own emotions and our own happiness and what is important to us that we miss out on the joy we can give someone else when we hold their interest and happiness in our hands. Why do we get so self-obsessed and why can we not show our love instead of trying to keep someone happy by making promises we can’t keep. Why are we so vain and why do we claim to love when we only love ourselves. I think that when you love you should love so much that you would do almost anything to make your loved one happy, and with this I mean that you will show it and not just promise it.

So today I want to remind you to love completely and distance yourself from self-love and vanity. Seek more of Jesus and less of you. Give more of you and expect less. Love and live fully without restraints. When you love someone make sure you show that to them every time you see them, because people should see your love and desire a love like that.

I pray that the Lord will turn our eyes from worthless things and focus our eyes on the things that is important to Him. I pray that the Lord will give us life through His Word. In Jesus name.

Have and awesome day dear friend of Jesus


Today’s Journal (Giving Up) – 03 December 2024

It has been a while since I wrote to you. I had a terrible and good year. God is good and He has been in every day as I faced some of the wo...