A reminder for
believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth
him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him. (1 John 5:1)
Evolutionists says that the fossil record speaks for itself
and therefore proves evolution. Well first of all evidence like the fossil
record does not speak for itself. It is interpreted through a person’s world
view like looking through a lens. We all have the same evidence in the present
day. The same rock layers and the same fossils. We interpret this evidence in
regard to the past through a lens or world view we use.
An evolutionist will interpret the evidence through what
he’s been taught about evolution and millions of years. A biblical creationist
will interpret the same fossils differently through the lens of the Bible. Both
are looking at the same evidence in the present but both are interpreting it
When we look at the fossil record in the present and
interpreting it through the lens of God’s Word we find that what we actually
observe in the present confirms the interpretation obtained through the lens of
the Bible.
The best place to start is from the word of someone who has
seen everything from the beginning and told us exactly what happened. That someone
is God who has given us a written account of the world’s true history in the
Bible. Genesis 1:1 says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
God’s word tells us that during creation week God created different kinds of
animals and plants according to their kinds. The implication is that they will
produce after their kinds.
That is exactly what we see today. An elephant produces and elephant
and a dog produces a dog. On the sixth day man and woman were also created and
God declared everything very good. It
was complete and perfect and there was no death because there was no sin. Later
on, we see that man and woman was tempted by the serpent and they rebelled
against God and broke His commandment. Then sin and corruption entered the
world. In fact, the entire creation was altered and it was no longer in its
perfect original state. People and animals began to die, but could gradual
death in such a short period of time could account for the fossil record we
observe today?
To form a fossil the animal or plant must be covered quickly
and since we found billions of fossils all over the world today, something
should have killed billions rather quickly. Not to mention we find many fish
and other marine fossils at the tops of high mountains. So what in the Bible
could account for something like that?
What could cause billions of dead things to be buried in
rock layers rapidly laid down by water. In Genesis 6:9 we read the account of
the global flood in Noah’s day. Essentially what happened is that men were so
corrupt and violent that God selected a righteous man (Noah) and his family to build
a huge ark and get in it along with a pair of each land animal kind. The God
calls a worldwide flood. Water gushed up from the ground and water fell from
the sky. The earth was totally covered and all land dwelling creatures outside
the ark were killed. It was a massive and destructive event. After more than a
year the waters subsided enough so that Noah and the animals could get out of
the ark.
Now what would a worldwide flood to the earth? It would have
definitely changed the earth’s terrain. It would have tossed things all around
and it would have killed billions of plants and animals burying them all over
the earth. So, the fossil records we observe today makes perfect sense within
the Biblical worldview.
So, there you have it. I do hope you have an awesome day and
that you will share God’s Word with all those you know and meet.
Lord, thank you again for all the prove you give us so that
the enemy will have no hold on us. You are our God and in you we have life,
peace and freedom. Open our eyes to the lies that this world tries to tell us
and let us hold on to your Word as our guide and light. In Jesus name.
Have an awesome day, dear friend of Jesus.