A reminder for
Let no corrupt
communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of
edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. (Ephesians 4:29)
I am so quick to get upset at motorists especially when I am
in a hurry and the world around me seems to have forty hours in their days. Why
does it always feel as if my 24 hours is only 12? Lately my days fly by as if it
is paid to do so. We are quick to make a remark or to say something not so nice
and what we do not know is that we are speaking that over the person we are
upset at.
I am so careful the last days of what I say and think, because
you can imagine that my circumstances have had me upset more than once. When you
are upset and angry the filters just seem to fall off. So, I filter a lot more
than before, because even though I am so upset at that moment I can’t change
it. I can’t make someone else understand or see or experience what I am experiencing.
I think that if we were more in tune with each other and
spend more time with people instead of facebook we will already see more change
in our world. The television and social media have made us people shy and
distant. I love it so much more to sit and talk to someone than watching television.
That is why I would rather watch TV with my kids, because it gives me time to
chat with them and I must I love to hear my son’s opinions on super heroes. Sometimes
I think he would have made the story a lot better to watch with his ideas.
So, what do we do when we get angry and the filters fall
off? Well it is simple, first relax, then take a moment to breathe and think about
it. Then consider your reactions and how it will affect the situation. Finally allow
the Holy Spirit to guide you in your thoughts and your reaction.
Then be nice and forgive and carry on. A nice reaction will
sometimes give you a lot more value than an angry one. Show love, because we
are here to represent Jesus in all we do. And remember we say these words over
that person, so would you not rather have someone speak life over you instead
of condemning you. Therefore, come with me as we speak life and give guidance in
love through the Holy Spirit.
Have an awesome day dear friend of Jesus.