Friday, 28 December 2018

Reflections of faith (How much) – 28 December 2018

He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him. (John 14:21)

Jesus is speaking to His disciples and He tells them that He will leave them, and the world will see Him no more. He continues to say that they see Him and because He lives, we shall live, and we will know that He is in the Father and the Father is in Him. Jesus then says that He that keeps His commandments love Him and He that loves the Lord will be loved by the Father and the Lord will manifest (be clear) Himself in them.

How much do you love the Lord? Do you keep all His commandments, or do you break a few? Today I am reflecting on faith – my faith. How much do I love the Lord? Do I keep all His commandments? To be honest, not even close. I break more than one each day. All that I need is five minutes with my ex-wife and I have broken two or more. 

Jesus is clear when He says that loving Him goes hand in hand with keeping His commandments. How difficult can that be? For me, well I struggle a lot. I find myself in a place of many obstacles and when you come out of a long relationship especially one where the last 3 to 4 years you spend trying to make up for mistakes in the past, it can be a bit confusing and challenging at times.

So, where do I start with reconciling my life so that I can show the Lord more clearer in my life. It is back to the basics. Moving closer to God and getting a better understanding of my role is simply reading His word and spending time with Him in prayer. Lately I pray a lot, because I find that the more time, I spend with Him the more peace I have. 

Therefore, today’s word is for me (and maybe you) so that I can become the person God intended me to be in Him and He is in me. My life needs to reflect His love and grace and His peace, but my life also needs to reflect (manifest) His strength. 

You see, God is my strength and in His strength that flows through I am strong, and that strength is what I need to reflect on those around me. So, step 1, keep His commandments. Step 2, read His word and step 3, pray as often as you can.

Have an awesome day dear friend of Jesus. 


Today’s Journal (Giving Up) – 03 December 2024

It has been a while since I wrote to you. I had a terrible and good year. God is good and He has been in every day as I faced some of the wo...