Thursday, 28 February 2013

Today Reminder - 28 February 2013 (Reputation)

A reminder for today
So the LORD was with Joshua, and his reputation spread throughout the land. (Joshua 6:27)

I was wondering today how your walls are doing. Are they still standing or have to successfully given them to the Lord as you marched in His name to watch them fall and crumble. I have so often seen myself break down wall just to find myself rebuilding them later again. I think we get ourselves in a habit of failing and this makes us rebuild walls that once were broken down. 

This verse just stood out today. I love the way it says: So the Lord was with Joshua. Do you know that the Lord is with you right now? He stands right beside you. In fact He is all around you.  And then because the Lord was with Joshua his reputation spread through the land. Wow! That is just awesome. My dear friend, think about that. The Lord is with you and your reputation will spread through the land. This is so powerful. God is ready to build you up and make you more than you can ever imagine in His name and for His glory. Inside you is a warrior and leader that is waiting to be released. You are the one that the Lord needs to fight in His army and to lead by setting an example that will spread your reputation through the land. People will look up to you and know that God is with you as you stand firmly grounded in His Word. There are so much more to you than meets the eye, and you are in for a surprise when God starts to work in you. 

I salute you today great warrior and I pray that the Lord will bring about release in you so that you will become the leader and warrior He intended you to be for the glory of His name and to save lives as you stand grounded in His Word, in Jesus name.

I believe that with a heart filled with the Holy Spirit, eyes focussed on God, faith in Jesus Christ and a foundation build on the Word of God, you can be the ultimate example of a true leader and a victorious warrior in life and in all that this world can throw at you. Come with me today as we bring down the enemy. Let us take the fight to them. Let us break down walls and set captives free as we destroy the grip of the enemy and send them running.

Let’s be more, because God makes us more.

Have an awesome day dear friend of Jesus.  


Today’s Journal (Giving Up) – 03 December 2024

It has been a while since I wrote to you. I had a terrible and good year. God is good and He has been in every day as I faced some of the wo...