Friday, 15 November 2013

Today Reminder - 15 November 2013 (Day 11 - A Life of Change)

A reminder for today
Many sacrifices were offered on that joyous day, for God had given the people cause for great joy. The women and children also participated in the celebration, and the joy of the people of Jerusalem could be heard far away. (Nehemiah 12:43)

God had given the people cause for great joy – So yet another week has come to an end as we are well on our way into Friday. It has been an amazing week with so many blessings from a wonderful God. This verse just opened to me today as I have so much cause for great joy. It is amazing how the Lord helps us and directs us into the right direction. I am always amazed at the wonder of God’s work in my life and in the lives of those I meet each day.

So today I would like to end this week with a dedication to my Lord.

As the wind rushes past our house my heart rushes to meet you Lord. Everything that I am and that I achieve comes from your great love and I celebrate my blessings with a joyous heart and hands lifted up to you. I will sing your praises Lord and dedicate my life of change for you and for your glory. Every moment of each day and every breath that I take comes from you and I shall fear none for You are with me and within me. I will stand up in the midst of my storms and seek your face and follow your voice as I comfortably rest in your hands. I am your servant Lord and I will follow You no matter how difficult the way becomes and how hard it seems. My heart belongs to You Lord, there is no other like you. In your presence I will find my peace and in your joy I will find my strength. 

Lord, I pray that you lift us up today and give us strength and joy as we enter the weekend. I pray that you will give us peace and rest so that we will reflect your glory from within. I pray that you take us through this weekend safely in your hands so that we can start Monday with renewed energy ready for new challenges. Lord I pray that in our rest we will honour you and remember that you are the giver of peace and the light that separates us from the dark. Lord bless our weekend and let us bring honour to you in every moment throughout our weekend.

My dear friend, it has been a privilege to write to you this week and I look forward to next week as we continue our journey towards a life of change. I am glad that we could share in the treasure that lies within God’s Word this week and I know that next week we will find more of God’s wonder in His Word as He continues to remind us about the things we need to focus, on for a life of change.  May you have an amazing weekend and time to rest for the week ahead. Be blessed my friend and may God’s peace and joy fill your weekend.

Have and awesome day dear friend of Jesus


Today’s Journal (Giving Up) – 03 December 2024

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