Friday, 5 January 2018

Today Reminder (Friday Refuge) – 05 January 2018

A reminder for today
 But let all who take refuge and put their trust in You rejoice, let them ever sing for joy; Because You cover and shelter them, let those who love Your name be joyful and exult in You. (Psalm 5:11)

I am beginning to think Friday should be part of the weekend and not part of the week. This week went by so quickly even for a week that was so quiet and that is only until now, because suddenly the work is back, and I have a lot to do. I should’ve taken another week off and only started next week. I am not very positive today and I fear I would prefer the bed over the work. I think I need a place of refuge. A Friday refuge place where we can rest or sleep or just chill. Now there is an idea. Haha, how are you, my friend? I sound a little lazy today, and yes, I am. 

Funny thing is that we may seek a place of refuge or a hideout where we can regain our strength and just chill but nothing on this earth can truly revive us. We can sleep but when we are tired, we are tired, and we need rest and then there is not much joy. Only grumpy growls of fatigue. When David wrote this, he knew all about refuge and fatigue. He was running and hiding from Saul for a long period of time. He needed more than just a shelter to cover him from the enemies that waited for him. He needed Godly refuge. 

David writes that all who take refuge in the Lord and trust Him will rejoice for they have made a choice that will bring cover and shelter that no other place can provide. So, I may seek my Friday refuge, but it will have no effect on me. I will still be tired and afraid of what I do not know or what I do not see. My joy will still be a little insecure and not complete, but when I change that to Godly refuge it will completely change me. 

You see, to take refuge in God is to basically to throw in the towel and accept His way as the only way. It is to stop and try fixing everything yourself and starting to fully give your life to Him in trust and obedience. It is not easy to be a Christian and it is clear when you see how many atheists there is in the world, but it is not being a Christian that is important, it is what you do with it. No one is perfect, and everyone makes mistakes. Nobody is better than another in the eyes of the Lord. He loves each one equally. To be a Christian to me is not trying to be perfect, but rather accepting my flaws and seeking my refuge in the Lord and trusting Him. I can not do this “life” thing on my own and I surely cannot know what lies ahead, but I can trust the Lord for He knows. 

Therefore, I will never find my joy in this world, because my joy is in the Lord. My joy is real and consistent and complete. My joy is solid and never fades. My joy is Jesus Christ.

Lord, thank you for reminding us that our joy is in you and that you are our shelter and our cover, and we must continue to seek refuge in you. In Jesus name. 

Have an awesome day dear friend of Jesus. 


Today’s Journal (Giving Up) – 03 December 2024

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