Thursday, 22 February 2018

Today Reminder (No one) – 22 February 2018

A reminder for today
Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:39)

This an amazing verse and Paul plainly explains how vast God’s love is. No distance in space or astronomical perspective can isolate us from God’s love. God’s power is everywhere; there is nothing that can encompass any domain that is outside God’s dominion. Nothing in the complete created realm can part us from God’s love. Anything that we can imagine cannot separate us from God’s love in providing eternal security. Paul left no contingency whereby something or someone might separate us from eternal life.

The basis for our assurance is God’s faithfulness to His own because of Christ. The foundational ground for our assurance is the death of Christ; the Father handed Him over “for us all” (v32). The “God who justifies” can do so because of Christ (v33). Our Defence Attorney at the Father’s right hand is God’s solution to the issue of eternal security; He intercedes for us (v34). Nothing can separate us from the “love of Christ” (v35). “We are more than conquerors through Him that loved us” (v37). Now God’s love will never leave us.

What a crescendo of God’s blessings! This is the majestic conclusion to what God has done in Christ. Everything rests on the certainty of what Christ did for us. There is emphasis on Jesus as “Lord” here. He is sovereign Lord of the entire universe. That is another reason we can consider ourselves as eternally secure.

Satan will point out the extent and enormity of our sins, calling attention to the strictness of God’s justice. God’s answer is that Christ died for those sins. The way we repel doubt is to rest on the work of our Saviour, our Mediator. His work for us is stronger than any contingency. Our assurance of salvation rests on the work of our Redeemer.

Lord, thank you for this assurance that we have in your love and that we know nothing in this world and beyond can separate us from your love. You hold us safely in your hands and we glorify your name for the amazing gift we have in Jesus Christ. Lift us up today and let us share this love with everyone we meet. In Jesus name. 

Have an awesome day dear friend of Jesus. 


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