Thursday, 8 March 2018

Today Reminder (Land Redistribution) – 8 March 2018

A reminder for today
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. (Luke 21:36)

The mighty and intelligent Malema has now pushed for land reform in our country. It is said by this ill-informed person that the land must be taken and redistributed, because they believe that the whites own the best land. We all know that his actual agenda is to kill more white people, because he has made it very clear in the past. But who will be impacted and how. Let’s see what business tech says.
Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) leader Julius Malema again made headlines over the past weekend with controversial comments on land ownership in South Africa.

Speaking at a supporter rally in Johannesburg, Malema said that the land in South Africa was taken by whites through genocide and would be returned to the people.

In his address, the party leader was careful to word things in a way that did not overtly incite racial tensions, saying that the land should be taken from white people, and given to all (white people included), while maintaining that there should be no disruption to agricultural food supply, and no civil war.

“We are not going to disrupt farming. We are going to inherit farming and continue to farm. We want agricultural colleges open. Because the land is coming, and it is going to need educated farmers,” he said.

Land reform has again flared up fears in South Africa, after parliament passed a motion to review section 25 of the Constitution, which could start the process of changing the country’s land laws. Both the EFF and the ruling ANC voted in favour of the motion, indicating majority support for the change.

‘Land expropriation without compensation’ is a policy of the state taking land, without giving the current owners any sort of payment for it.

The ANC’s eagerness to adopt the policy, and vote with the radical and populist EFF on the matter, has unsettled investors and economists, helping the rand to reverse some of its early gains in 2018, following the exit of former president Jacob Zuma.

Responding directly to Malema’s speech over the weekend, economist Mike Schussler said that the politician was doing black South Africans a disservice with his rhetoric, pointing to data that indicated that it would be that specific group who are hit hardest by such a policy.

“I have a surprise for Mr Malema: Africans own 7.66 million houses (1st houses only) and whites own 730,000. The other two population groups combined own as many as dwellings as whites. If the state expropriates this land without compensation, then the state will take 10 times more homes from Africans than whites,” he said.

According to Schussler, in total 56% of the value of 1st houses in South Africa belong to black Africans. Only 33% belong to the white population group.

“So nearly double the value will be taken with expropriation without compensation from Africans. Moreover, 22% of black Africans own second homes – far less than 10% of white folk who do.”
“Add RDP and Traditional homes, and one could add R2 trillion to the balance sheets,” Schussler said.

“The sad thing here is that Africans have been very successful in many, many cases of buying houses or getting houses – and Malema actually keeps the notion alive that black South Africans are not successful.”

“Malema has made a big mistake if he thinks black African want to give their homes to the state. He will feel that in the ballot box,” he said.

It is clear that self-compensation is his actual agenda and it is clear from the past that Malema only thinks of himself and has no notion for the survival of our economy nor does he care about the future of this country. It is sad that so many are influenced by this man and that they actually think what is doing is right. But is this not classical enemy tactics. This is the enemy attacking the Christians and using everything in his power to try and break us. The standard tactics that satan uses is so evident in this whole process, because we see lies, deceit, greed and murder at the top of the list. 

I call upon all Christians to unite in prayer so that the Lord can change our future and let the DA win the next election. We need leaders that actually care about this country and its people. We need leaders that is not stuck in a past that does not exist anymore but are able to look ahead and see a future that is going to uplift our country and take it out of the last 20 years of corruption and destruction.

Lord, please hear our prayers and safe your people. Come and change the leaders of our country and bring a new leadership that will start a new line of leaders that wants to see our country grow. In Jesus name. 

Have an awesome day dear friend of Jesus. 


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