A reminder for
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to
forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9)
We are considering immigration again. We have family in
Canada and it seems as the most likely place to go if we can get in. As an ex
educator I seem to have an opportunity, but my age is against us getting good
points. So, I am in two minds of what to do and I am not sure what the Lord
wants us to do. Our family has asked us numerous times before if we would not
consider immigrating and to be honest I have always thought that things might
just change here in South Africa, but at the moment our future is bleak. I am looking
for another job and what is annoying is all the BBEEE positions that is not for
people of my race. This makes it harder and it makes me worried because my kids
are still small and one day they will need to go through the same process.
What to do, what to do? I have no idea. I guess we will
start the application and the Lord will help us. He will reveal His plan and He
will send someone on my way to guide us and help us on this journey that is
ahead of us. It is in His hands.
When I opened my king james this morning this was their
verse of the day. If we confess our sins, He will forgive them and clean us from all unrighteousness. This
is amazing. All you need to do is to ask and God will forgive. He will keep not
keep a grudge nor will He remember what you did, and He will surely not keep it
against you. He will forgive you completely.
This type of forgiveness is unheard of in the world around
us and therefore difficult for people to grasp. You see we do not forgive that easily,
so our nature is in conflict with the nature of God although we are designed to
be like Him since we are made in His image.
How do we explain something so amazing to someone that does
not know forgiveness? It is simple actually. When we are forgiven we change in
the way we are. There is no more darkness around us, but we are in the light
and the light that surrounds us is the light that shines from within us by the
grace and glory of the God that dwells in us.
So, all you need to do is to live as someone that is
forgiven and those who hears of this will understand it, because you will show
it by the way you live and the love that you show. Be, the forgiven one that
forgives and loves everyone unconditionally. There is no argument against that.
Have an awesome day dear friend of Jesus.