Monday, 30 November 2015

Today Reminder – 30 November 2015

A reminder for today
For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. (Ephesians 2:10)

My dear friend, you are a masterpiece. You are a beautiful painting that should be displayed and not hidden. You are beautiful in every aspect of the word and you are perfect. Time makes wine more valuable and time makes you more beautiful. With every passing minute you become more and more like the one that created you thus you are more and more beautiful. You have been designed by the master builder and you were carefully planned and designed so that each part of you is made perfectly for His wonderful purpose. You are a diamond and you are made to shine so that all can see your light as you fill up with His love and joy. 

So today I want to remind you that you are perfect in every way. God made you and this means that you have no flaws no matter what the world says. This body is not who you are it is the spirit that lives in this body that makes you so beautiful. You heart and the very essence of you makes you an absolute masterpiece. You are awesome, my friend.

Lord I pray that you will let us see ourselves through your eyes so that we can see with how much love you made us and how much we are like you. Lord come into our hearts and let us be less of our worldly selves and more like you. In Jesus name.

Have and awesome day dear friend of Jesus


Friday, 27 November 2015

Today Reminder – 27 November 2015

A reminder for today
For every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith. And who can win this battle against the world? Only those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God. (1 John 5:4-5)

Giving up is such an easy thing to do. The minute things are not going our way we would rather give up than to continue the fight. When you want something, why would you stop half way and give up when you have already invested so much to achieve it. Jesus is the perfect example of not giving up, because He did not flee from the cross and gave up after He was so badly beaten. Jesus continued and finally with a beaten and broken body He carried His cross to His death so that He can save you and me. So why would you give up if He continued until the end.

It is the evil in this world that wants to defeat us and force us to give up and quit the fight. We have more than the abilities to defeat the evil in this world, because within us dwells a almighty God and with Him we can do anything and we achieve this victory through our faith. 

So today I want to challenge you to stop giving up so easily and to continue the fight until the end. We do not have a Spirit of fear, we have Spirit of strength and power and with Him nothing can defeat us. There is no end to God’s resources and this means that there is no end to our strength.

Lord I pray that you will give us the strength and determination so that we will never give up, but that we will always fight evil and defeat it through our faith. We believe in you Lord Jesus and we accept you as our Lord and Saviour. In Jesus name.  

Have and awesome day dear friend of Jesus


Thursday, 26 November 2015

Today Reminder – 26 November 2015

A reminder for today
Sin is no longer your master, for you no longer live under the requirements of the law. Instead, you live under the freedom of God's grace. (Romans 6:14)

Victory is such an awesome thing and personal victories even more so. I believe that I all that we do we should set goals for ourselves. I use goals in my training program whether it is weigh I want to drop or reps I want to increase on a certain exercise, I always have a goal and I always make my goals. My goals are never out of reach or too high that I will not reach them. You see smaller reachable goals are great, because they are easier to reach and this is great for you self-esteem. 

So to live a sin free life is all about goals. I think that we must train our faith just as we train our bodies. We need to set goals for ourselves in faith and in living a life closer to God. I do not say that you should walk on water by the end of the year. I am merely saying that you should trust God more and allow Him to take your worries from you by having faith in His guidance. I also say that you should set time apart in your day and spend that time reading His Word and spending time with God. The closer we move to God the stronger our bond with Him gets and the harder it will be for the enemy to push you over.

We are not bound by sin anymore, we are living under God’s grace and His love and this means that we have no need to worry anymore. With Him all is possible. 

So today I want to challenge you to set goals and to reach those goals.

Lord, I pray that you will help us and guide us as we set goals and work to reach them in faith and in a stronger relationship with you. I pray that you will be with us when we spend time with you and that we will feel your presence as we worship you Lord. In Jesus name.

Have and awesome day dear friend of Jesus


Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Today Reminder – 25 November 2015

A reminder for today
This is what the LORD says: "Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. Could you build me a temple as good as that? Could you build me such a resting place? My hands have made both heaven and earth; they and everything in them are mine. I, the LORD, have spoken! "I will bless those who have humble and contrite hearts, who tremble at my word.” (Isaiah 66:1-2)

We are worshiping an awesome God and He is much greater than we can ever understand. God says here in Isaiah that the heavens are His throne and the earth is His footstool. When you look at the vast expanse of the universe and you see the wonders of the earth how can you give anything that can compare to this? God says that so that we must know that there is nothing we can do or give Him. We cannot impress God nor can we buy Him because we are a mere drop in the ocean compared to Him. 

The Lord says that He will bless us when we have humble and contrite hearts. Contrite is a remorseful and repentant heart. God says this so that we know it is not the other way around. It is not what we can give Him; it is what He will do for us when we are humble and repentant. This means we that we should focus on living a life that is humble and remorseful towards God as we flourish in His mercy. It is all about Him and this is a concept we need to make part of who we are each day. We live for Him and for His glory. The picture is far greater than the little world we see each day.
So today I want to remind you that you cannot impress God, instead you must live humbly and repentant giving all that you are for Him and for His glory. God will bless us in return so that we will stand amongst our enemies while our cups run over. So spend more time is His Word and make it part of your day.

Lord I pray that you will bless us as we humble ourselves before you and as we regret our mistakes and seek your forgiveness and guidance though all our obstacles each day. In Jesus name.

Have and awesome day dear friend of Jesus


Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Today Reminder – 24 November 2015

A reminder for today
And I have been a constant example of how you can help those in need by working hard. You should remember the words of the Lord Jesus: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'" (Acts 20:35)

I am because I am said I am. This is so awesome! You are, my friend, because the creator of heaven and earth says that you are. I loved our message this Sunday that was based on the open hand and closed hand concept. You see an open hand is able to give and receive, because it is in a position to do both where a closed hand cannot give and receive. The fact here is that when you keep what you have for yourself in a closed hand concept you will lose even that which you so fear to lose. But when we are a joyful giver God will bless us more than what we need. In fact our cup will run over. My cup is running over as I am so blessed and I have seen so many miracles in the last month that I am in constant awe of my Lord. This Christmas the Lord is giving me my second greatest gift. He is giving me my family back and I am so humbled by His love.

So today I want to remind you to give. But I do not want you to give material things. I want you to give of yourself just as I am giving of myself to the ones I love. I do and give without expectation and I am amazed at what God is doing. In the end it is not about you, my friend, it is much greater than we can comprehend. I know that my boys are seeing the love of God in the way I love my wife and how I give unconditionally.

Lord, I pray that you will guide us to love and give unconditionally. I pray that you will bless us so that we our cups will run over and that all will see your love in our hearts and in the way we live. In Jesus name.

Have and awesome day dear friend of Jesus


Today’s Journal (Giving Up) – 03 December 2024

It has been a while since I wrote to you. I had a terrible and good year. God is good and He has been in every day as I faced some of the wo...