reminder for today
the LORD came and called as before, "Samuel! Samuel!" And
Samuel replied, "Speak, your servant is listening." (1 Samuel 3:10)
Samuel’s life was dedicated in serving the Lord, while
Eli’s sons did terrible things against the Lord. Finally the Lord had enough
and decided to punish them, and in this punishment Eli’s whole family will be
punished. I keep thinking of Samuel growing up in the temple. He never really
saw his parents and from a young age he was working in the temple. It must’ve
been bad in the sense that he was so far away from his family, but good in the
sense that he was so close to God.
I just love these words: "Speak, Lord, your servant is listening." Today I wish to remind you that the Lord calls
out to us so many times and I want to remind you to listen to His voice deep
within you. From the moment we wake up until we go to bed we must keep our ears
open to His voice. Then most important is that we listen and follow His voice
as He tells us what to do. Today let us focus on what God tells us and open our
minds and souls to His Word. God will change your life, just as he changed
Samuel’s life. God took a woman that could not have children, gave her a son
and took this son and made him a great prophet.
God will call on you, so listen and let Him guide you
through your life, because you are destined for greatness in His name and for
His glory.
Have an awesome day dear friend of Jesus.