Friday, 27 September 2013

Today Reminder - 27 September 2013 (Day 20 - Victories)

A reminder for today
Praise the LORD your God, who delights in you and has placed you on the throne as king to rule for him. (2 Chronicles 9:8)

And so another week has come to an end. September is almost over and the end of this year is creeping closer much faster than we think. Time certainly seems to move much faster this time of the year. Even though the end of the year is basically upon us, it does not mean that we can sit back and relax. This is the time of the year when the enemy finds more places to hurt people and more reason to bring people down. This is the season to be jolly and the enemy certainly does not want that.

My dear friend, the Lord delights in you. Wow! How awesome is this verse? God is satisfied in you and you bring Him great joy. The verse continues as the Queen of Sheba tells Solomon that God placed him to rule and she mentions later how privileged the people are that works with him each day. This is something that the Lord wants you to remember. God placed you in your position or your job or your business for a reason. God needs you to show His kingdom to the people you work with every day. Especially now when the year is at its end, we need to bring that joyous feeling to the hearts of people as we show them how great our God is. In the end people will say what a privilege it is to work with you as you bring God’s joy into your place of work and you follow God voice making decisions with God’s wisdom.

God delights in you for he has placed you where you are with the purpose of sharing that with other. Let us be rulers in our places of work so that people can see we rule with God as our King and Jesus as our saviour. Let us shine a light and bring people into this glorious light so that we do not lose them to the darkness that so wants to destroy them.
Come with me today and let us bring more joy to God in the way we live each moment. Live, my dear friend, because life is made to be lived in full.

Have and awesome day dear friend of Jesus


Today’s Journal (Giving Up) – 03 December 2024

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