reminder for today
let all the godly pray to you while there is still time, that they may not
drown in the floodwaters of judgment. (Psalm 32:6)
never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every
I must say that these words are the ones that made me
think for quite a while. Firstly love never gives up, but why does so many
relationships fail? Secondly, love never loses faith, yet so many turn their
backs on God. Thirdly, love is always hopeful, but why do we give up so easily?
And lastly love endures through every circumstance, but as soon as things do
not go our way we forget all about love.
At times it must seem as if love is just a nice word when
you look at the way the world displays love. The television is a huge help for
us and in every series or advert we see love displayed as something that we can
manipulate and changed according to our needs. Love has been made cheap by a
world that has forgotten what love really is.
Instead of listening and understanding we would rather
argue and fight. Instead of giving we would rather take, want and desire more. Instead
of facing our battles together we would let people stand alone. We do not compliment
anymore nor do we give people the respect they deserve. We think we can say
what we want and that it is ok. We turn our backs on pain and we follow the
wrong examples. We change the definition of love in our homes, but we expect
our kids to love according to an example they never saw. We talk about Jesus to
our kids but we never pray and we never do things as a unit. We have become the
failure of love that does not exist in a society that calls themselves Christians
yet they do not know who Jesus is.
Where is love? Listen to David’s words: Therefore, let all the godly pray to you
while there is still time. I do not know about you but I am stumped right
there. I feel how I need to bring love back into this world, but love as it is
defined by Paul. Love not only to my loved ones, but to everyone I meet and to
everyone I know. Love never gives up so why should I? Love never loses faith, so why would I fear?
Love is always hopeful, so why should I ever be negative? Love endures through
every circumstance, so come what may for I am on my knees fighting the enemy at
the gates and I will not fall nor will I fail.
I will not drown in the floodwaters of judgement, because
I am love and love is in me. The Lord says, why do you enter with a fearful spirit
when I am with you. Keep your head high for I will deliver you and I will lift
you up and I will give you victory, for you are mine and I love you. Rise mighty
Have and awesome day dear friend of Jesus