Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Today Reminder (Take that) – 20 September 2017

A reminder for today
And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you. (Exodus 3:14)

I love it when discoveries proof evolutionists wrong. For example: Dr. Mary Schweitzer and her team caught the world’s attention with a Science paper in 2005 that described intact blood vessels and red blood cells in a T. rex bone. But in fact, secular scientists have been reporting them for decades in sometimes seldom-read technical literature. Now, they find Collagen in these dinosaur bones. Collagen is what keeps the bones intact and holds them together. So surely if these bones are millions of years old we will not find collagen. So, hard science confirms bone collagen could have lasted, even at warmer temperatures, for the 4,300 or so years since Noah’s Flood, but should not have lasted a million years. The fun thing is that these soft tissue is found all over the world in dinosaur bones. Soft tissue and proteins in dinosaur fossils may be the most significant paleo discovery of the 21st century. Their presence argues strongly against the millions-of-years label that’s applied to them.

The problem remains that everyone looks at the same evidence, but it is our view that differs. We look at it from a bible perspective and it makes sense, but the evolutionist looks at it from their background and they are baffled by these finds. You see when your mistake becomes transparent with evidence you will continue to seek an argument that justifies your mistake. Instead of accepting that you are wrong your arrogance makes you argue. This is classical atheism.

I thought I’ll share this with you so that you can know that our God is the only living God. He made it all and He made you. I love this verse from Exodus where Moses askes God who should he say sent him. God replied that He is “I AM”. He is God and there is no other. He is what He says He is and He is what we know He is. He is the only God and He is a living God. 

We are worshipping a living all powerful God. There is no more fear and no more worries left, there is only God and it is all about Him. Therefore, you can walk with confidence and determination, because your strength is His strength and your joy is His joy.

Lord, thank you again for giving us more and more evidence that you are who you are. Fill us with your Spirit and guide us through this day. In Jesus name. 

Have an awesome day, dear friend of Jesus. 


Today’s Journal (Giving Up) – 03 December 2024

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