Tuesday 10 July 2012

Today Reminder - 10 July 2012 (Love)

My prayer for you for today is that you will love to live and live to love, in Jesus name.

1 Peter 4:8
Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins.

Love – Love is a beautiful song. Love brings us together, love overcomes all boundaries, love is in the moments we have, love is the patience we show, love is in the smile, love is strong and unbreakable, love is the great soother, love understands and love scolds, love is in the air and love is in the heart, love stretches over all continents and love is here, love travels and love is at home, love feels, love hurts, love sees no colour, love is eternal and love is forever, love seeks and love is unlimited, love holds and love hugs, love loves and love is God and God is love.

My dear friends let us love today where we will normally be upset, let us love where we would be angry and let us love even if we can’t. Love will overcome and clear all the worldly issues we have and love will set us free. As Jesus loved us so much to give up His life to set us free, let us love passionately today as we live because we are alive and in being alive we can love, live and be free. 

Love every moment that you live and live every moment that you love.

Have an awesome day dear friend of Jesus


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