Friday 8 November 2013

Today Reminder - 08 November 2013 (Day 6 - A Life of Change)

A reminder for today
“O Lord, please hear my prayer! Listen to the prayers of those of us who delight in honouring you. Please grant me success today by making the king favourable to me. Put it into his heart to be kind to me." (Nehemiah 1:11)

Yet another week has come to an end and it was quite and an eventful one for us. How was your week my friend and how are you doing? I do hope that you are well and looking forward to a great weekend. Each day we travel on our journey through life with a number of things happening in that day. We always want everything to go right and we do not like problems and we are disgusted when things go wrong. 

Nehemiah writes that the Lord must listen to the prayers of those whom delight in honouring Him and then he asks that the Lord grants Him success. I think that we should take this as part of the things we need to focus on in our journey towards change. We must delight in honouring God with our lives and that will increase as we get closer to God and change to be more like Jesus. We must bring our challenges in our journey towards change to the Lord in prayer and ask Him for success in those matters.

My dear friend, as the weekend approaches let us continue to honour our God with our lives and let us ask Him for success in all aspects of our lives.

Dear Lord, please listen to the prayers of us who delight in honouring you. Give us the wisdom and strength to be successful in all the aspects of our lives as we strive to live a life of change in honouring you. Lord please grant us success and let our success be a light to those in darkness so that they too will find their way to you. Lord please hear our prayer and help us through all the things that lies ahead in our weekend. In Jesus name.

Have and awesome day dear friend of Jesus


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What is forgiveness? Oxford says it is the action or process of forgiving or being forgiven. But what is forgiveness actually? It is the rel...