Wednesday 23 September 2015

Today Reminder – 23 September 2015 (Day 17 – Dear Lord)

A reminder for today
God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. (1 Peter 4:10)

Yesterday my youngest had their concert and to watch those little ones do their show on stage in front of all the parents was just awesome. They are so cute at this age and some of them are quite the young actors. It was so much fun and it made me realise again that God made us so different from each other and so unique. Each one of us is given the correct tools to do what God designed us to do. Each one of us crafted perfectly for His glory. Use your talents to honour God and sever one another. God has given you these talents to explore them, grow then and perfect them. 

So today I pray that the Lord will change us to be like little children. So that we are not affected by this world and all of its darkness but instead that we will find joy in everything we do and accept like they accept and make the little things important again, like a hug and a smile. I pray that the Lord will let us be fearless and without worries as these little kids are so that we will trust Him completely and live life for each moment.

Have and awesome day dear friend of Jesus


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